Saturday, March 6, 2010


Hello everyody. Good morning. How are you. I hope you gye's are enjoying the weekend . Today is very nice weather. My kids are very excited to go out. They get up early in the morning and took shower. They want to go for shopping but Iwant to go church first. Every saturday I am very excited to go church because of the weekend so many people are coming over there. Becaus there is big festival in the weekend ,and i can participate all the religious activities and preapring and serving the food over there. Also in our church they collect the cloth and food for haiti so i want to take participate in that.


  1. Are the festival repeating every weekend?? Thats nice and good for children. There's nothing better than helping people. i dont know if my sentences has true grammer but i tried :))))

  2. Senem, your grammar is great! Don't worry. Navdeep, I agree with Senem. You're setting such a wonderful example for your children by helping people every week. It sounds like you have found a nice group at your church.
