Wednesday, March 10, 2010

my first day in the NY

Hello evrybody . I want to tell you about my first day in NY. My all In-law relative are in NY. After marriege I came hear with my husband. it was very funny day because my all in law realative called me we are coming to pick you up and we want to give you surprise. I said okay and I was started thinking about the surprise. Because Iwas the new person in the family , so everybody was very excited an dwaiting for our flight. But our flight Landed 2 hours before the exact time. It was very funny we did not called at home. We just took taxi and came to home. When we reached at home everybody was shocked. Everybody said What happened youur flight time was at 4'o clock. So we gave the surpriseInstad of my family which were thinking to gave surprise to me.


  1. and then didn't they gave you a suprisee???

  2. What a great story! The most amazing part is that a flight arrived ahead of schedule. I've never heard of that!
